In order to install squid proxy server on Ubuntu, open terminal and type
sudo apt-get install squid
Now, lets open squid configure file with an text-editor (I am using scite text editor)
sudo scite /etc/squid/squid.conf
Search in configuration file and find which port is used by squid.
http_port 3128
If you like you can change the port.
Let's define IP or IPs that can use this proxy server.
acl my_network src
Then let's allow the defined my_network to be able to use the proxy server
http_access allow our_networks
Let's save the configuration file.. And restarting squid
sudo /etc/init.d/squid restart
That's it!
How to Use Proxy Server in Firefox
Now, let's connect to the proxy from a client, for example from Firefox.
In Firefox follow Preferences | Advanced | Network | Settings and open "Connection Settings" window.
Select "Manual Proxy Configuration" and set the IP of the computer that squid installed on. Then set the port as defined in squid configuration file. (In this example is 3128)
Now you can browse on the internet through proxy server.
Extra Options For Squid
To set a username/password authantication, edit the squid.conf file... Sample configuration:
auth_param basic program /usr/lib64/squid/ncsa_auth /etc/squid/passwd
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm Login to access proxy server
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
auth_param basic casesensitive off
acl authenticated proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access deny !authenticated all
http_access allow all
Save squid.conf file and then create a new user/password in terminal by following command:
htpasswd -c /etc/squid/passwd squiduser
To change a password use
htpasswd /etc/squid/passwd squiduser
After squid service restarted, proxy client should ask for a username password.
Change Visible Host Name
To change host name for squid, put a line in configuration file like below:
Simple and Easy Proxy: Tinyproxy
If you are looking for simple and easy proxy server solution, you can try tinyproxy.
Install it by
sudo apt-get install tinyproxy
Edit configuration file
sudo scite /etc/tinyproxy.conf
And restart the proxy server
sudo service tinyroxy restart
That's it!