psftp (part of putty) can resume transfer over SSH.
Connect to ssh host:
$ psftp user@host
List files and folders:
psftp> ls
Download a file:
psftp> get
If the transfer broken, it can resume by reget command:
psftp> reget
Download folder recursively:
psftp> get -r testdir
Resume folder downloading:
reget -r testdir
Upload a file:
psftp> put
If transfer broken, it can resume by reput command:
psftp> reput
Alternative: rsync
Download a file with resume support:
$ rsync --partial --progress --rsh='ssh -p 22' user@host:/remote/path/ /local/path
Upload a file with resume support:
$ rsync --partial --progress --rsh='ssh -p 22' user@host:/remote/path
Download a folder recursively with resume support:
rsync -v -r --partial --progress --rsh="ssh -p 22" user@host:/path/to/remote/folder/ /path/to/local/folder/
Upload a folder recursively with resume support:
rsync -v -r --partial --progress --rsh="ssh -p 22" /path/to/local/folder/ user@host:/path/to/remote/folder/