How to Download from MMS, MMSH, RTSP Protocol in Ubuntu (Linux)

To download multimedia files form mms:// , mmsh:// , rtsp:// protocol, you can use simple tools in Ubuntu 12.04.
I will introduce 2 tools. mimms and msdl


mimms is an mms (e.g. mms://) stream downloader
mimms is a program designed to allow you to download streams using the MMS protocol and save them to your computer, as opposed to watching them live. Similar functionality is available in full media player suites such as Xine, MPlayer, and VLC, but mimms is quick and easy to use and, for the time being, remains a useful program.

To install mimms, open terminal and type following command.

$ sudo apt-get install mimms

The following command, download the url to the active folder. 

$ mimms mms://

For more, please look at help:

$ mi​mms -h


msdl is a multi-protocol downloader for various streaming protocols, such as mms, mmsh, wms-rtsp, real-rtsp, ftp, http.

I noticed that, msdl is better than mimms. msdl succeed to download a file that mimms unsuccesful.

msdl isn't in standart packages of Ubuntu 12.04. So, you should install it manually. For install instruction:

After the installation, you can download files easily by following syntax.

$ msdl mms://url


$ msdl mms://

For more parameters, look at help:

$ msdl -h


Note: If you want to downlaod from RTMP protocol, then you can use rtmpdump.


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